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      • Joel – Yes – It would be great if you did that as one of the flies we tie. It is tomorrow (Thursday night). I had to change it due to other commitments that I have tonight.

    1. Joel – Yes – It would be great if you did that as one of the flies we tie. It is tomorrow (Thursday night). I had to change it due to other commitments that I have tonight.

    2. We’re still on for tomorrow (Saturday 11AM-3PM) … stop by with your gear and get some help cleaning it up and prepping for 2019 fishing! Grab a bowl of Josh’s famous chili and clean your line, replace your backing (yes, there is a very good reason to do this … especially on your steelhead, salmon and other big fish gear.

    3. Going to have to cancel! Grand daughter is spending the w/e with us. Sled riding is this mornings new agenda!And then a little fly tying lessons! Cheers!

    4. This is the time of the year when the bass start moving out of the deep water and towards the shallows. It’s also the rainy season that blows the rivers out so lake fishing is optimum an cures that cabin fever syndrome. Big poppers, streamers and noisy lures are the norm. Water temps are usually in the upper 50’s and these fish are looking to eat something . Dust off those boats and join the party.

    5. I volunteered to take this trip over from David Houben. Just checked the gages at Clay City (Red River) which has always been my way of figuring out if the smaller tribs to the Red will be fishable. It is not encouraging … the gage is at 15′ up from 3′ on 2/6 and the discharge is at 5000 cfs (up from 300 on 2/6). Ever hopeful, I’ll wait until Friday top check again and make a final call. Folks from up here can meet us at the Shoe Carnival/Staples parking lot at 6:45AM. We’ll carpool or caravan down stopping for breakfast around Georgetown then proceed to the Rest Area off the Slade Exit of Bert T Combs PKWY to meet up with any of the folks from Lex/Gtown area at 9AM. We’ll take a look at all the usual suspects (Indian Creek and the East Fork, MIddle Fork and

        • Hello ladies! I will start sending out emails about the event – if you want to chat personally please reach out to
          Basic needs are a hat and sun glasses (safety first! always protect your eyes and head) I would reco long pants and close toed shoes. I usually have a jacket or sweater for the inside portion as that can run cool. Susan will have rods for those who don’t have them but if you want to bring your own please feel free to do that.
          I will send out more details soon!

    6. Tie some weedless streamers for the bass using a 3/0- 4/0 worm hook 3-4 inches long ,lots of examples on Pinterest and YouTube. Type in weedless bass flies as a search.I like tying in a small glass rattle to provide some noise. Lots of different materials can be used, craft fur, marabou sf blend, thin feathers,etc,with some flash, use your imagination
      See you at the lake

    7. Ken Santo & I are going out Wednesday 27th to pre fish Stanfield and Richart lake before the scheduled float trip on Saturday 30th, if anyone would like to join us. Call my cell #
      As of today the forecasts weather for Saturday is rain & wind, I will make the call Friday if the float trip is still on
      Ron F

    8. Kathy Barksdale here. Tucker (Karen Allen) and I are registered. Tucker cannot come on Saturday now due to a family event. The website won’t let me change to 1 registration. It only seems to want to let me cancel, and I still intend to come. I will email Kerry, as well. My email is

      • Light snacks and drinks with lid or cap only. We’re in one of the conference rooms and can’t have meals there. Wolf down a Bug Mac on the ride over:)

    9. Thanks for the info. I will have to see if I have any white rabbit fur left around but may need to “trade for some” if you guys have any extra available at the tying time.

      • Sterling … It’s reopened and you must be included otherwise you couldn’t reply. Do you want the single small camper at Susan’s or a B&B room?

    10. All,

      I’ve room for two more people in my truck and room for three more kayaks on my kayak trailer. If anyone would like to ride with me instead of driving yourselves we could share the fuel costs. Let me know if one anyone wants to ride with me and or, if anyone needs me to transport your kayak. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on this trip.

      Best regards,


    11. The registration started on May 3, but in one day it is closed. I am not building a rod, I wanted to help with the class and see if any of the members would need some thread that I would like to get rid of. Derek

      • Bruce … Last year the chartreuse Mop Fly out-fished everything including standard nymphs, midges and wooly-buggers … I’ve never seen anything like it. This year Susan says the fishing has been tough because of the high-water and big-streamers and tiny nymphs have been the ticket so far. The water should be back to normal by the time we go so I’m thinking chartreuse, orange and cream Mop Flies, a selection of standard nymphs (GRHEs, BHPTs, Zug-Bugs, Princes, etc), wooly buggers, big jointed streamers, 5- & 10-ft sink tip sections (with loops to attach to end of fly line) should cover you. We might have a trip-prep fly-tying night before the event.

        I understand you are staying through Sunday the 9th. Did you want a room in the B&B? Or, if we max out the trip (12) would you rather share the cost of the cabin at Betty’s Bend (about 4 miles from Susan’s place on the river) with two others? The Campers at Susan’s (all taken already) and rooms at the B&B are $75 a day and includes dinners at Susan’s. The cabin will be about $85 a day and does not include diner (but it is available at Susan’s for $25 a night). If she does what we did last year, Breakfast and lunch fixings can be had at Susan’s for another $10 or $15 a day) … absolutely worth it. Let me know about your accommodation preference asap. Thanks … Mike Arnold

    12. All … Right now it looks like we have 10 confirmed for the trip (Mike Arnold, Joe Cruse, Sterling DuVall, Tim Guilfoile, Ron Kilmer, Bruce Lane, Rich & Kerry Premec, Jack Randall, Tom Smith). Mike, Jack, Rich & Kerry and Sterling at Susan’s place. Joe, Tim, Bruce, Ron and Tom staying at the B&B. We can put two more at the B&B and max the trip at 12 without using the cabin at Betty’s Island. Do any of you know two folks who might be wanting to go?

    13. So far the rain / weather has not changed the plan … Right now I have Chris Puckett and his wife meeting Doug Pfetzer and me (trailering both our kayaks) at Staples / Shoe Carnival parking lot at 6AM. The Puckett’s will follow us down to Broken Bridge where we will unload Doug & my kayaks & gear. Doug will stay with the boats/gear and the Puckett’s will then follow me to Knight’s Bridge t park my car/trailer. Then they will take me back up to Broken Bridge where I will get them started wade fishing before following Doug downstream in my boat. Anyone else trailering kayaks should do the same (i.e. unload at B-B and park at K-B and get ferried back up to B-B to put in). Anyone else meeting us at Staples/Shoe Carnival can also follow us down.

    14. Three weeks out and we already have eleven (11) folks registered. It looks like we will max out the class with 15 students so we will need a couple more casting and knot-tying instructors. When you register be sure to state whether you are assisting with instruction or taking the class as a student.

    15. I’ve got my flight booked already. United Airlines 453 departing CVG on 8/11/19 @ 4:50pm. Layover in Denver then arriving in Cody at 9:55pm. Returning from Cody on Sunday 8/18/19 @ 8:40am layver in Denver arriving in CVG @ 3:55 pm. I’m really looking forward to the trip. Thanks, Josh Lillard

    16. Currently running at 1574 CFS outflow. They need to drop the lake 1.7 inches to reach summer pool. I’ll be watching this to see if we need to postpone the trip.

    17. Mike Hebbeler and Steve Averdick are flying Delta Aug 11 return 18th here are flights and times
      to slc 1306 7:05 -8:52am
      to cody 4323 11:05am – 12:25pm
      to slc 4323 1:00 pm -2:20pm
      to cvg 1208 5:20 pm -10:45pm

    18. I just spoke with the COE at Cave Run Lake. They have bumped up the CFS Outflow to 1000. They have to drop the lake 4.1 feet to get to summer pool and to do this will take 3500 CFS. WE ARE POSTPONING THIS TRIP TILL SUNDAY, 6/30/2019.

    19. Gunpowder is up about 6″ at Camp Ernst Road. That alone would not bother this event, but it is also running the color of coffee (boston style muddy brown) and that effects the safety issue. SO WE ARE POSTPONING THIS UNTIL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26TH.

      • Allan, bring a buck or two for materials, you’ll get a baggie of what you need when you get there.

        We’ll post a pic and materials list here so that you’ll know what to buy in the future.

    20. Plans are changing a bit. As of right now we have 11 youngsters (13 – 15 years) so we will only have ONE FISHING SESSION from 10AM to Noon. We’ll give the students a 15 – 30 casting lesson on the grass and then head to the stream in several small groups. I’ll have the rods setup with new leaders. In addition t Tim G, Wayne N and Sack S above we have four other volunteers (Paul Dusing, Dave Huff, Bruce Lane and Lucas Vessa). Let’s meet at the Gunpowder Creek Nature Park (at end of Sperti Lane off of Hanover BLVD off of Rogers Lane) at 8:30AM. We will watch the weather and Creek conditions to decide if a postponement is necessary.

    21. We have 15 students registered now for this event on Saturday. Kincaid Park and the Library are providing lunch. Dan Bottoni is joining us to help out.

    22. The lake is still 3.2 Feet above summer pool and running 3700 CFS only changes it little more than 1/2 foot each day. Looks like once again we’re going to have to cancel this trip. My apologies.

      • To everyone wanting to attend this event; the lake has moss about 18″ to 6′ out from 85% of the shore line.
        the taller grass. weeds and growth is about 14″ high around the lake, with a few narrow areas where the local stomp the growth down,
        the fishing is good, IN 2.5 hours I landed 7 Bluegill and 4 bass, on a Keith Haung’s tied bluegill candy, Chartrouse with red bead.
        Surface water temp was about 90 F.
        Used a 9 ft 5 wt.rod, 7 foot leader and tippet, the tippet was 4 x, only to pull the fish though the moss.
        and yes’s the food at the Restaurant is still good

      • if you want to sneek in a belly boat ( for us a really BIG Belly boat) you could get in the water, but it is maybe a 2 acre lake if that
        and MJA will most likely be pissed at you

    23. All … Several folks expressed interest in this trip at tonight’s meeting. For members who may not have a kayak or canoe, two of those folks each have an extra kayak available if you would want to borrow one. We also have one 4-kayak trailer and two 2-kayak trailers with an extra spot or two for a kayak … so you don’t have to trailer your own (and we minimize the number of vehicles
      we have driving up and around (and parking). Contact Mike Arnold if interested in borrowing a kayak and trailering one or more.

    24. Tim, please add a second person to my entry. My wife Mary Ellen would also like to attend this movie. Are you getting tickets for all of us?

      Thanks, Bruce

    25. I plan to drive down Friday morning (leaving around 9AM). In time to get to cabin, unload camp gear and then head to Blue Hole or Garnettsville to fish until 4PM or so, then head back to camp. Anyone wanting rideshare down with me should mention that in a comment with your registration.

    26. US 52 is closed just N of the exit off I74 so you have to go 1 exit W to hiway 1 which will get you to 52 above the closure. I fished over there this a.m. about 3 bridges N of Brownsville and did pretty well, including an 18″ and 16″ smallmouth. I have never fished the section this trip will float but know the rest of the creek well so if anyone wants some guidance on where else you might go let me know.
      Dave Votaw

        • Mike,
          Got your message. I paid my $100 for 1 slot, and now I can’t attend either this or the NKFF Outing. I have an older brother with a failing heart in University of Michigan right now, and they just took him off of the heart transplant list. He’s 65, also diabetic and has kidney issues. I need to be available if things don’t stabilize. Please pray for his improved health.

          I tried encouraging the wife to rep the family, but, she insists on staying here w/me. Prayerfully, we’ll have better fortune in 2020. Enjoy the NKFF trip and we can talk again afterwords.

          Kevin Cottrell

    27. Newer member Sebastian Torres is interested and would like to use one of the kayaks. I will be watching the river gage at Abington all this week to be sure the creek will be floatable. Right now it looks fine. I’ll email everyone on the participation list to setup meeting times/places and kayak use/trailering/etc. Currently we have 8 folks signed up. It would be nice to use the 4-kayak trailer, my 2-kayak trailer and another 2-kayak trailer plus one person with an old beater he/she won’t mind leaving at the put in after ferrying us all to it from the Rte 44 parking lot.

    28. Hi There,

      Unfortunately I am now double booked this Saturday with events leading up to the start of the semester at NKU and I will not be able to make this trip. I am sorry about that – next time.

    29. Joe Cruse is attending and using his 4-kayak trailer hauling his kayak, Don Schrantz’s kayak, Don’s spare kayak & paddle for Sebastian Torres and maybe Jarold Benson’s kayak. Mike Arnold is trailering his own kayak, Doug Pfetzer is bringing his own (cartop carrier I think). John Czarnecki is trailering his and Bill Mertz’z kayaks, and Ron Francis is using his 4-kayak trailer to bring his kayak, Ken Santo’s kayak, Ken’s spare kayak & paddle (for his friend Jeff Haggedorn). WOW … Eleven on this trip.

      We also found out that NON-MOTORIZED WATERCRAFT on most lakes in Indiana REQUIRE a $5 PERMIT on the port side front of the boat. Ron Francis is picking up seven of those permits for us today (Friday) and we will repay him on Saturday

    30. Hello! If there are questions about the clinic please reach out to me at There is a stay over option for this class (Saturday night to Sunday morning) please let me know if you are interested as there is an additional charge.
      Look forward to seeing everyone at the clinic!

    31. I’m planning to meet you at the river unless there is someone who wants to ride-/drive-share with me from the Eastern Cincinnati suburbs. Just let me know where you are planning to meet.

    32. Is anyone else thinking we should leave earlier? If so, how about meeting at 6:30AM at the Staples / Shoe Carnival Parking lot and leaving at 6:45AM (arriving at the Main Gate at Englewood Metropark (4361 National Rd (US-40)) at 8AM-ish? Once we’re at the park I’m thinking of starting at the South Park Paddling put-in (955 Aullwood) and fishing until noon, then switching to the West Park Paddling Pu-in (100 Leinisch Rd) in the afternoon. Everyone should download the park mat at

      • Definitely a better plan. I’ll be there early since I’m in northern Hamilton county. I’ve fished the Stillwater further upstream for years, and it gets a lot of fishing pressure up there, but never in Englewood.

    33. Kevin/Rita, Bill and Nathan … Can you each let me know if you plan to camp at Kendall or stay somewhere else (some folks don’t camp). Bruce L has has to back out so right now we are at five attending. I am still plan on taking my 10’wide x 20’long x 7tall two room tent and two cots (one to loan) if two other other of you plan on camping and don’t want to use your own smaller tent, you are welcome to stay in the other room, just bring your sleeping gear. Also, if someone else has a two-burner propane stove, please bring it to supplement my own two-burner for cooking meals. Also, I need to know if you all are planning on being there early enough on Friday to go to dinner with the rest of us at the Cumberland Resort Lodge Restaurant at 7PM Central time (kind of a tradition for these trips). I’m going to email this to each of you also so I can gather the rest of the details to put into the Trip Plan so I can send it out on Wednesday. Thanks.

    34. I hate this, but Rita and me have to cancel for this trip. We’ve had an unplanned family issue that we need to deal with. I’m sorry for the late cancellation.

      Kevin Cottrell

    35. I did the Intro To Flyfishing tonight for six people. They all adapted very well to the casting. We may have a few more folks at the fishing event Friday at Endgland-Idlewild park (Shelter #1 parking lot) at 6:30PM. I’ll have eight fly outfits rigged up with small poppers or nymphs and strike indicators and I’ll bring the other eight outfits as backup. If anyone can help out for a hour or so, it would be appreciated.

    36. We have four rooms with two XL Double Beds each at the Relax Inn, 40 Highway 19 South, Bryson City, NC, 28713 booked for arriving Friday, Nov 22, 2019 and departing Tuesday, Nov 26. Currently we have seven members signed up with one (John Branam) Arriving Thursday, Nov 21. John has made his own arrangement for Thursday night and will bunk in with Mike Arnold on Friday & Saturday, leaving on Sunday, Nov 24.

      If you know of someone who can come down on Sunday and leave Tuesday, put them in contact with Mike Arnold. Mike is working on the Trip plan, so he needs to know if everyone is driving separately, or if any of you plan to carpool down. He also would like to know the following information … what vehicle will you be driving and license plate #, Cell Phone # and what time do you plan on arriving on Friday and, if appropriate, where do you plan on fishing on the way down. Such as Mike Arnold plans on leaving around 5AM on Friday and driving straight to the West Fork of the Pigeon River just outside of Waynesville, NC. After fishing until 2PM Mike will then drive to the motel in Bryson City. John plans to arrive early enough on Thursday to fish the Upper Nantahala for a few hours in the late afternoon. REMEMBER – it’s pretty close to totally dark by 6PM. Make you plans accordingly.

    37. As it turns out NKFF’s Fall NC Trout trip is planned for this same weekend so I will not be making it after all. But the plan I listed is a good one if you can get off on Friday. This is a really fun weekend with Derby City Fly Fishers and NKFF members and a worthy cause. If you cannot attend, consider making a donation of the $40 entrance fee. A complete description of the event is at and you can sign up for the event (or just make a donation) by following the links at

    38. Have long been a fan, and really like & agree with the Eagle Claw assessment. I still have 2 spinning rods & a fly rod with the infamous ‘Parabolic’ action!

    39. If you are not interested in the Guided day please let me know with a comment on your sign-up or an email via the link in the body of this trip page. I realize that $150 deposit is $1.15 over the full stay at the Inn. I’ll refund anyone that doesn’t stay the full time or the $1.15 when there.

      • Mike if your going to hang out with the Geezer and KS, your going to need two extra rods , a center pin float rod and a spinning rod to keep up with our catches, I’ll loan you a float rod and make you a convert

    40. To anyone considering the Stanfield lake float trip on the 21st, looking at the forecast weather, it looks like it’s going to be to cold to float fish . I am therefore canceling this trip

    41. Kerry, thanks for your leadership, guidance, expertise and bubbly personality. Your love of fly fishing is infectious! Keep it up!

    42. You can send a donation to:
      Northern Kentucky Fly Fishers
      PO Box 17541
      Lakeside Park, KY 41017

    43. I click on the link to get to the web conference and I am directed to the page where I register for the meeting. Hmmm. I’m already registered. How can I get to the place where I enter the password NKFF so I can join the web conference?

      • I had a link sent to inbox. I went to it to download the extension and nothing happened. Which is good, because I did not want to install Cisco on my laptop. This is the third that I wanted to see and will have to miss it.

    44. Sigh. Oh well, it’s just a meeting. Can’t fish if you’re in a meeting : ). There’s a pond 10 minutes from my house. When I practice my roll cast I usually catch something so I’ll head out there and try my luck. Maybe I’ll be able to log in next month. If anyone has any tips on how to get into the next web meeting let me know. I’m a new member and look forward to meeting some club members and fishing with them. Give me a call if you’d like to go fishing 937-763-4210 or send me an email.

    45. Please tell me that these meeting will help us get back some level of routine. I miss all you people a lot, and I miss fishing a lot as well. Looking forward to the virtual meeting. Are we doing a zoom session for this? Thanks for your time.

    46. I have looked at our website and cannot find any fly recommendations for Brookville tailwaters. Am I missing it? We could have a forum where we post where we are catching fish currently and what flys are effective for the different waters we are all visiting.

      • Stan, we do have a members only forum on the website. We promoted it for months but nobody uses it. The big idea behind the forum was for people to share the info that you’re talking about, but we can’t make people participate.

        I got skunked today at Brookville fishing cream and black mops, black zebra midges and yarn bugs. Saturday they were hitting cream colored mop flies.

    47. Hi everyone. I’ll be the organizer for fishing Brookville Tailwater’s on Saturday. I’ll continue watching the water level and let you know if the level will be safe to fish. Currently the water level is 3.92’ (safe to fish up to 4.3’) and the water temperature is 39.5 degrees F. If you plan on coming, make sure you dress in layers. Hope to see you there. Best regards, Joe Cruse

    48. Hey, all. I’m planning 1morning/day, to fish the wild trout streams noted on the WNC Trout Trail as #2. There are 4 or more streams closely located outside of Cullowhee, south of the Blue Ridge Pkwy.

      If anyone wants to do the same, let’s go together!

    49. No responses yet, but I’ll be in Newport, TN, in the 9th. Does anybody want to fish alongside me? I’m focusing on ‘boundary waters’ where a NC license is accepted. One price, searching out wild trout streams! No takers?

    50. Rather than have a bunch of us get together and have to wear masks and stay 6′ apart, we will meet at a predetermined location with all of the bagged Zebco Outfits. There are usually eight (8) outfits setup and in the 8 pockets in each bag. Depending on how many people signup each person will be given X number of bags to take home and setup (if needed put on a hook, sinker and bobber) and test cast each outfit. Some of them have not been used since we did this the last time, so those would just be re-inserted into a bag and set to the side to be returned to us/our storage shed art a later date. Any rod without a reel or ones needing rod or reel repairs would also be set aside to return to us for fixing. Any outfit that doesn’t cast well, needs to be re-lined with 10# monofilament line (20 yards – 60 feet — 300 yard spools of line will be provided to each volunteer). When each volunteers rods are through the process, we will arrange for pickup and return to the NKFF Storage Shed. Questions about the process should be directed to Mike Arnold at

    51. I was informed by another member that I won a drawing, but I have not heard back from anyone,
      just let me know what I won and where to pick up the winnings!
      thanks Ron

    52. Josh said to meet at the Markland Dam Park parking lot on the Indiana side of the dam. He also says…..” I recommend streamer patterns on full sink or sink tip. Ill probably not make it by 4pm, so just walk down the steps and work down river, the beach area is best. I also bring a spinning rod to find the fish & then switch to a fly rod.”

      I suppose thunderstorms will postpone the trip, but a little rain never hurt anyone………

    53. I’m going to cancel this time, since the weather is looking iffy, and it’s a fairly long drive for me. I’ll still be interested if you reschedule.

    54. According to the radar, it looks like the skys will clear come fishing time. Anyone closer to the river than Lexington have any input on the amount of rain they got or if it will have any negative affect on fishing. Ive never fished the Ohio River and am not clear how it reacts to recent rainfall.

    55. I am in the process of developing a signup form online that will let you all tell me your available dates/times from a list of about 15 sessions. It should only take us three sessions to finish the net frames, but I can’t say when they will be until I know your available times. That signup form should be available soon. Hopefully by tomorrow.

    56. Hey everyone – Looking forward to a little panfishing this Thursday evening. I probally will not arrive until 5:30/6 & will fish until Dark. After we get done fishing we can grab some dinner at Noble’s truckstop and diner by the expressway.

    57. Since I’ll be driving up on my own please let me know where I can meet the group and at what time. The above message from Markcbar says meet at John Bryan between 9-9:30. I assume it’s John Bryan State park. Where exactly? at the campground general store right at the main park entrance? Somewhere else? Also, in case I can’t make it could someone give me their name and phone number so I can call to let you know? Thanks :). My phone number is 937-763-4210

    58. I’m stoked about this project. I just pray for the chance to be there, sharing these people’s joy.

      Can you tell me a bit more about what I can expect?

      • What info do you need? I’ve just registered for myself, but, if she’s willing, I’d like to know if I can add her with at a later date. She’s in hospital right now, so I don’t know how she’ll be after discharge.
        I’m still in, though. I can even bring my trailer and stay at a nearby park.

    59. 11:20 am Friday

      The waterlevel is up. I’d say about 8-10 inches. Water is slightly stained. If we get more rain, tomorrow might be a challenge. I’m not saying it’s washed out, but we’ll do some walking around the deep stuff.


    60. Hi everyone this is Joe Cruse. I drove by Tanners Creek last night and the level is good. Hope to see everyone sometime tomorrow. Tight lines.

    61. Jim Klingenberg and I are coming down on Friday. We’ll stay at traces unless you fill the last two spots for 5 days, then we’ll stay nearby but would like to participate with you all in the meals, floats, fishing, etc.

    62. Susan Brown from BCCD has indicated that our volunteers should be there at 9AM and will be transported down the road to the KIVA next to Gunpowder Creek at 9:15. We will need both bags of NKFF Fly Fishing Outfits (8 in each & 16 in all). Fishing Guides (NKFF volunteers) should bring their fishing licenses and fly-fishing gear for warm water species. Most of the fishing will be from shore but wear wading boots. Please bring you own lunch and snacks. Call Mike Arnold at 859-240-5839 for more info.

    63. Just checked the creek at Camp Ernst Road … up maybe a few inches and a little cloudy … if we get no more heavy rain, we should be okay to fish … there’s a 50% chance of rain most of the morning/afternoon but I don’t consider that an event stopper. See you all there!

    64. Thanks to all involved for making a decision about coming to the meeting with a no meal option for $5. It shows compassion and concern for other people and there were other reasons thank you so much

    65. My husband Roy Bowlin and I just joined and saw that he is going to be at the camp buffalo bill the week of your fishing trip hope he will get to meet some of the other members while he is there.

    66. I’ll check the weather forecast as we get closer. Depending on numbers registered, we could do the knot-tying in my garage (A/C’d) if the weather got sour on the 28th.

    67. The 2nd Rod-Building Class of 2021 (September & October) will be a BAMBOO ROD REFURB/REBUILD class. Prior to the first WORKING session we will determine what days/dates/times are available to each of the students & instructors to produce the class schedule. This class will be limited to six students because we are probably going to be stuck using Mike Arnold’s garage for the working sessions. All students MUST be able to make all the class sessions that are finally decided upon for the schedule. All must have been COVID vaccinated. Please fill out the session attendance form at ASAP

    68. Hi, this is Joe Cruse, my wife won’t be able to join me this time so, I would like to bring my kayak out early and fish AJ Jolly’s lake before the banquet.

    69. Sorry folks but Buckhorn Guide Service is no longer in business … they have not responded to my emails and the phone number has been disconnected. So this trip is CANCELLED.

    70. Isn’t there another guide service in the area? What about just going down and fishing as our own Groupon? I’m always open to learning more from other members, even if we don’t catch a bunch of fish

    71. Isn’t there another guide service in the area? What about just going down and fishing as our own Group? I’m always open to learning more from other members, even if we don’t catch a bunch of fish

    72. I’m excited to go on this trip and I’m looking to practice some fly tying this winter! Does anyone familiar with this trip have any suggestions for patterns that I should try to tie? Have a little experience at the vise (some simple panfish flies and a few ugly wooly buggers and Clouser minnows) but not much, so simple and medium patterns would be best! Thanks – Jeremy

    73. Randy,
      1st rod building class is tomorrow, I believe. Can you give me a bit of info on what I need to show up with? It’ll be my first time.

      Kevin Cottrell

    74. All … This is the registration for anyone interested in building a fly rod during the first class (JAN/FEB). At the end of the Registration period (01/02/22 – 01/06/22) I will email each registered person a Form to be filled out. On the form is a list of dates/times for possible sessions during Feb and Mar. You need to check-mark each date/time that you CAN BE AVAILABLE, plus give us your name, email and phone number and check off whether you want to build a fiberglass or graphite rod on a new blank. Once we have everyone’s information we select the session dates and times and we contact each of those who can make all six proposed dates. At that time we gather all the information about what type, length, fly-line-weight, number of sections, and type of hardware you want to use. When we have that we will put together one or two orders from our suppliers so that everyone has everything they need before the first working session. The classes will probably all be at the Bullittsville Christian Church basement in Hebron. If everyone registered will be at the meeting this Thursday, we can discuss this before or during dinner. Thnaks .. Mike Arnold / Tom Tveten / and other instructors.

    75. I’m new to the group and wondering what materials I should bring to the fly tying meetup. Also, I’m assuming this is strictly a non-beer drinking event. Can anyone confirm? THanks and looking forward to it!

    76. Sorry folks! I will get more info out here by tomorrow night. I plan on driving down early Friday morning and leaving mid-day Sunday to head home. Also the Cumberland tailgaters are one hour away on the way home.

    77. Never fished Brookville before, so any chance this gets cancelled for tomorrow because of flow, etc? If not, where should we meet? Or is there a good address for parking, etc? Thank you!

    78. I’m not sure this reply gets to all attendees to this event, if it does not please feel free to share. You probably have not started your detailed travel planning yet, but I wonder if you could include me in you plans when you do. I have flight reservations to Billings, MT, two and one half hours drive from the camp. I’m writing to see if there is anyone driving through or near Billings on the 13th or 14th and and if you would be willing to transport me to camp. I will also need transport the other direction on the 20th. I arrive in Billings early after noon on the 8/13 and will be leaving Billings very early on the 8/21. If you will be in the vicinity of Billings on the 8/13-14th and 8/20 please include me in your planning. I may still be able to change my Flights to another destination so if you have other suggestions closer to your route, please let me know. My direct email address is

      • Dave – This is a bank trip. However their is access to launch a boat downstream on the Indiana side and then you can motor up to the dam. I will be fishing from the Park access on the Indiana side. Thanks – Josh Lillard

    79. Hi Everyone,

      The SR-44 Bridge will be closed and we will meet at the end of N. Turkey Creek Road, where the road turns into dirt. If you have fished up there before, you know where I’m talking about. If you don’t know text me at 1 (513) 802-4008 and I’ll text you the directions.

    80. I took a Fly Fishing Class from Bill Carman back in 2020 at Breaks Interstate Park on the southeast Kentucky and West Virginia border. Beautiful parks. It was a very interesting class. Bill is personable and a very good speaker. I look forward to seeing him again.

      • Clint …. Absolutely. I just made my own reservation. I haven’t figured out the Float Trips yet (whole day vs half-days) because I need more folks to register first. Going to call you in a little while.

    81. Thomas … Mike Arnold here. I am the instructor for this class. It will NOT be at the Maplewood Gym. It will be on the second floor of the Boone County Main Library in Burlington (on KY-18 across from Kroger). See you there.

    82. This is Josh Lillard, I will be attending the meeting on Thursday. I must have missed the registration, I will be eating if there is food available. Thanks -Josh

    83. This is Travis Young. I missed registration. I will be at the meeting tonight, bringing 5yo son Lucas. We’ll plan on not eating there. Thank you.

      • I’d assume somewhere between 6-8wt. If I make it I’ll be taking my 7wt. I like to have waders on just incase I need to get in the water a little, however they are not needed fishing from the bank.

    84. All, I am unable to go tomorrow, Sat. 4/23. Dave, you are the only person signed up for this. Sorry to bail but have a family thing that came up. I may go up just to look at it Sunday, 4/24.

    85. Thanks for the heads up. Since it is a Saturday event. I’m sure there will be a bunch of others there too.

      And also, since I’m the only other one signed up for this event. I am going to pass also.
      I’ll go during the week when there might be less ‘others’…


    86. All,
      Sorry for the late message!

      I will be at the Frisch’s by NKU’s main entrance on 127 at 7 a.m. to meet anyone that would like to meet. I’ll be driving a blue Ford Escape with fish stickers all over the back of my vehicle. License is KY Smallmouth bass license 4100 GA.

      Please let me know if you can make it or not. My mobile is 859-512-5583 Jack Randall. Just text me or call/leave a message. Feel free to call tonight. I’ll be up until about 11 p.m. If I don’t answer just leave me a message and I’ll call you back.

      I will be driving up by myself as I will need to leave after a couple of hours.

      If you live in Ohio or near Batavia then let’s meet at the Boars Head Bait and tackle at 2818 Old State Route 32, Batavia, OH, United States, Ohio
      at 8:00-8:30 a.m.

      We’ll drive to fishing spots from there.

      There’s rain in the forecast early so dress appropriately / be prepared. Bring small size 10-12 white and chartreuse flies, white wooly buggers and some nymphs to trail below that.

      Map and info is attached.

      Again, Please text me at my phone above and below. Let me know if you are going or not.

      Jack Randall

    87. This fishing derby is for the benefit of children who are residents of and/or are receiving services from the Children’s Home of Northern Kentucky and is not meant to be a general introduction to fly fishing for the general public. We do have other events that serve this purpose.

      See the following events:
      Boone County Spring Fishing Derby – 05/14/2022 – 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
      Kenton County Recreation Department Fishing Derby – 06/04/2022 – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
      Fly Fishing Kids Fishing Derby – 06/07/2022 – 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
      5th District Youth Fest Fishing Derby – 06/18/2022 – 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
      Boone County T-Ball Fishing Derby – 07/25/2022 – 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
      Fifth District Federation of Kentucky Sportsmen Fair – 08/07/2022 – 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
      Indiana Kids Fishing Derby – 08/13/2022 – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

    88. Four or five 2-hour sessions in MJA’s garage. Like the rod-building classes, once everyone has registered online (May 1st – May 6th) I will send out a notice to each person with a link to a form to fill out telling me which dates & times you can be available and what type of net you want to build (Trout, Bass, Catch & Release, or Kayak/Canoe). These dates and time must occur when nothing else is going on that will require my time (so all the NKFF events I’m responsible for plus a few personal dates/times for family things). When everyone registered has filled out the forms, I create a set of four or five dates and times in May and June that are open and that the majority of the respondents say they can make those dates. There is a maximum number of people to attend which depends on the number of forms we have available for each type of net to be built (I think we have five of each) plus the amount of raw materials we will need and number of tools required). I hope to have all that info sorted out and the class schedule created by May 18th.

    89. The Little MIami River near Yellow Springs is running at 1200 CFS. I would not fish it over 1000 CFS but that’s just me. I can’t partake of this trips as I have another event at Camp Michaels for Cub Scout Troop 747 (IMH in Burlington). If you plan to go, set your GPS to Jacoby Road Canoe Access. This is 84 miles from Burlington KY. Jacoby Road is off US-68 about 1.5 miles before you get to Yellow Springs. It’s a right turn, then follow it until it crosses the river.

    90. This is the meeting where the 5TH Dist Fair Trap Teams are drawn,
      I know NKFF has enough shooters to provide a team 5 men/or child make up a team, and women’s team also.
      the cost is $65.00 per team to shoot a round.

    91. have never fished this lake. Any information will be appreciated, regarding regulations about kayaks, etc, casting areas, over hang, underwater fish hideouts?

    92. Bryan / all … It’s a Rain or Shine event. I will pickup 3 bags of our Zebco outfits plus extra bobbers/hooks/sinkers/etc today and will be there. Susab Brown is our host and is providing the bait & lunch. I need a few folks to work 9:00 to Noon and a few others to work Noon to 4:30. Lunch is provided at Noon. here will be five 40 minute sessions with 11-15 kids each. I will email you the gate code and driving instructions to & within the Ranch.

    93. As of Thursday 6/16 the Stillwater River info looks good. After an inch of rain on the 10th-14th, the discharge is running about 700 CFS and the gage height is around 4 1/2 feet (what it was prior to the rain). If you meet up at 6:45AM we’ll car-pool up (I can take three and their gear). If you do plan to go, please email me at before Friday 10PM just so I know to look for you at the meetup site.

    94. So far it’s just me and John. I still plan to drive down Friday and stay overnight. If anyone just wants to drive down, fish until dusk and drive home or drive down Saturday and fish the morning hatch and go home or stay and also fish the evening dusk hatch then go home … that’s fine too, but I would like to have some idea about who to expect, so please register online here. I also need to know if anyone is planning to float the creek (from Broken Bridge to Knight’s Bridge – about 1 1/2 miles). If not, I will not be bringing my kayak, I’ll just wade & fish.

    95. So I will say again. I’m signed in as a member. I’ve selected events. I’ve read and scrolled through this entire posting, and I cannot locate a “register for this event” link anywhere.
      I simply see no way to register. Sorry, Mark.

    96. I recently found out that I must be in Florida from July 20/21 thru August 2nd/3rd for family reasons. So I need a volunteer to run this trip as described above … or decide to cancel it if no one else registers.

    97. Hello All, Where is the original meeting spot for this trip and when will everybody be getting there? I have floated this stretch a bunch but have never wade fished it. I plan on wade fishing tomorrow and possibly saturday.

    98. To all concerned … This trip has been moved to OCTOBER 7 – 9, 2022. If you paid to register, we’ll move you fee to either the October trip or to some other trip or refund it.

    99. I’ll be bringing a few of my rods in different lengths and line weights. I’ll be sure to bring one outfit with a sink-tip line and an 8-weight and 10-weight for big-fish flies, etc.

    100. Erich & Kevin … Are you still up for the NKFF Info Booth at this event? The time changed to 4:30 – 7:00PM. I will have all the literature and display items and will bring two fly-outfits for demo fly-casting. Any questions?

    101. The plan is to put in at Rivers Edge Park and take out at the Williams Creek RR Bridge. We will have a map and experienced floaters on the trip to make for safe takeout.

    102. Right now the following folks are registered – Joe Cruse, Mike Arnold, Kevin Cottrell, Don Schrantz. Joe Hamilton wants to go but doesn’t have a kayak yet and would like to borrow (he said “rent”) one from a club member to see how it is to fish from one on an actual trip. Joe is very experienced kayaking, just not fishing while kayaking. If anyone has a spare sit on kayak he can use for this trip, I’ll come pick it up and Joe can ride with me. My trailer carries two boats. Please email me (

    103. Hi guys it’s Joe Cruse,

      Make sure you have sturdy shoes for this float trip. There is lots of shallow water that you will need to drag your kayak over and you will need to walk along the bottom of the river (sand to small rocks). Also the majority of the time you will be pulling your kayaks up to shore and getting out to fish holes or rocky areas. We floated this stretch in early August and caught 35 smallmouths. Everyone will need a PFD to float and a kayak/canoe. Hope to see you guys on Saturday.

    104. Right now the following folks are registered – Joe Cruse, Mike Arnold, Kevin Cottrell, Don Schrantz, Joe Hamilton, Clint Osborne. We will email the Trip Plan Thursday night to all who have registered.

    105. Several CHANGES to the plan. We’ll be staying in Campbellsville at the Best Western Inn – cost is $54/person/night. Total cost for trip would be around $175 (food, gas, accommodations for two nights/three days). RIGHT NOW there are only TWO people signed up … me and Kevin Cottrell. Floating the Green River for smallmouth has been a target trip ever since Lee McClellan came to the club and spoke about it in 2019. It is supposed to be fantastic. If you are interested but want more info, email me at and I’ll send you what we have as a Trip Plan right now.

    106. I’m registered. I purchased 2 tickets under my name. One for me, and the second for my wife, Rita. Please take note for name tag and attendance purposes.

    107. Randy. I have a guest that I want to bring to the December meeting. His name is Tony Leen. How do I get him registered?
      Scott Hull

    108. Please let me know you have signed up as soon as possible! With the holidays happening so close to this trip I may not be online much. Thanks, Jack Randall

      • Jack, I joined NKFF months ago but haven’t been to a single event. I always seem to have conflicts… Poor excuse I know. I’m interested in this Otter Creek trip, but I’ve never been on this river, and I’ve not done any cold-weather fly fishing. Would we be casting streamers or nymphs? What species of fish? Could I buddy up with someone to help with fly selection and river access points?

    109. Note. My three tickets are for myself and two guests. The guests will arrive late due to work commitments. Hope there will still be food at 6:45. I will gather info etc. to give to them when they arrive. Joe Mohlenkamp

    110. Interested. Thanks. A few questions…
      – Is it a 1 day class?
      – Start time?
      – Is it being offered each day 3/1 – 3/5?
      – Where is it held/address?
      – What to bring?

      • You can get there any time you like, it’s a casual affair. You will need a KY license, a trout stamp if you intend to keep trout.

    111. John Cook
      Mark Hall
      Kevin Cottrell
      Patrick Roberson
      Are you guys still planning on fishing Camp Ernst this afternoon? Just gauging interest. If going, what time do you plan on being there? Does anyone need assistance?
      Jack – 859.512.5583 – please text me if you can.

    112. FYI this is a NO MOTOR Lake. Pedals and paddles are allowed. NO motors.
      We were there March 6th. The water level is good. We did d not catch anything, but only fished from the bank in a heavily pressured area…

    113. To: J. Lillard,

      This event will be a new experience for me. Can you share some of the important points or tips.
      Best locations to try our luck? North side near the Dam Park? Southside? At the Stephens Creek Junction?
      Best baits: Flashy? big? small?
      Any safety warnings?
      Do we need Indiana License, Kentucky License?

      See you there.

      Mark Hall

    114. I guys this is Joe Cruse. I we be leading this on Wednesday April 26th, hopefully we will have nice weather and the river levels will remain low. If anyone has any questions don’t hesitate to call me on my cell (513) 802-4008.

      5wt with 6-8 lbs tippet with white and grey minnow patterns will work great.

    115. All, this event is happening. I will be there around 4:30 after work. Use minnow patterns. Consider bringing a spinning rod too in case they are too far out for fly rods.

    116. Hey guys. I was thinking about attending the white bass outing this Saturday but was wondering what kind of gear is needed. What size rod, streamers, etc.? Just curious about the basics, and whether I’d be equipped to go.

      Eric Johanneman

    117. Eric, sorry but just seeing this. I am heading up but may not be there until 9 or so. I use a fly rod but you can use spinning gear if you want. Jigs and spinners in white and chartreuse work well. Anything that resembles a two inch minnow works well. Feel free to call me at 859-512-5583 in the morning.

    118. Hey folks, Watch your speed in Liberty and on the backroads going to N. Turkey Road. The police like giving $150 speeding tickets to those over the posted speed limit. For any of you new guys who don’t know where you’re going, meet me at Jay’s Dairy Shop right in Liberty Indiana at 8am. For the folks that know where we are headed, I see you up there around 8:30-8:45. Tight lines everybody.

    119. Guys, I am unable to make it this Saturday. Hope you get into them! My Grandson and I went up to Liberty last Saturday. Nobody else showed. If you park on the turn where there is a mattress (lots of space there), and walk thru the woods behind that mattress, trail to the right, then you will come out near a nice stretch where they usually hang in the deeper pools and runs. Tight lines!
      Jack Randall

    120. Will be coming in Saturday afternoon and staying at the Super* in Campbellsville. Might stay over till Monday so I can get to days fishing. Have room for one person in my car and one more kayak on my trailer, if anyone is interested in going with me.

    121. Bill,
      Kinda out of the loop out here in West-by-God Virginia. Just wondering if there are any more details on the trip, meals out or cook at the house, when to show up etc.
      Called Escatawba about the license issue. Both answers are kinda right–I was told by whomever I talked to that technically you need a license and he is not saying you don’t, but they’ve never had a game warden come on to the property to check. On the other hand a license is only $8 a day.

    122. With the recent discussions about the Escatawba Trip I think that it would be beneficial to have a zoom meeting to go over the details. I’ve arbitrarily picked Sunday evening for the meeting but would be happy to change it if there is a better time. Details for discussion will be where we are staying, meal planning, and car pooling. Please forward this to anyone else interested. I am looking forward to a great trip.
      Escatawba Trip May 10-13
      Sunday May 7, 2023 ⋅ 8pm – 8:30pm (Eastern Time – New York)
      Bill Martin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
      Join Zoom Meeting

      Meeting ID: 853 9298 4103
      Passcode: 1uLk7Y

      Bill Martin

    123. We will be staying at Greenbrier State Forest (1541 Harts Run Rd, Caldwell, WV 24925). The club has reserved four cabins.

      We are planning to eat dinner on Wednesday in downtown Lewisburg, West Virginia, which has a delightful selection of restaurants in the downtown area.

      Breakfast and lunch on Thursday and Friday are the responsibility of each cabin. Let me know if you don’t know who to share a cabin with, and I can help pair people up.

      Dinner on Thursday and Friday will be potluck. I will bring salad and a selection of dressings.

    124. Here are my notes from talking with Damiem Wiles of First Light Outfitters.

      Weather predicted for Monday and Tuesday, for Wednesday through Friday highs in the 70’s lows in the 40’s and 50’s. Damien expects good water levels
      Fly rods – 5 to 6 weight
      In general, in the morning:
      · Indicators – attractors – weighted nymph
      · Drift and depth are more important than pattern
      · Fluorocarbon leaders 4x to 6x, 9ft length

      In the afternoon there may be a hatch and dry flies are effective
      If the water is high, bigger and gaudier attractors

      The local fly shop is in Lewisburg, Serenity Now Outfitters, the hours are unpredictable call ahead 304-647-9779 at 898 Washington Street West, Lewisburg, WV 24901

      Flies mentioned during the conversation
      · Water Conditions
      o Low Water – subdued colors
      o High Water – bigger and gaudier flies
      · Midges with Tungsten 18 to 20 size
      o Red Zebra
      o Black Peral
      o Rainbow Warrior
      o Pheasant Tail
      o Soft Hackle
      · Wooly Buggers – very commonly used
      o 8 to 12 size
      o Olive and Black
      · Attractors
      o San Juan Worm
      o Salmon Egg
      · Streamers can also be effective
      · Dry Flies
      o March Brown 12 or 14
      o Chubby Chernobyl
      o Mirage Mayfly

    125. Charlie was the quiet one, never complained but always present and a cheerleader for the kids fishing derbys. God bless, he will be missed.

    126. Charlie was a constant of the club. He volunteered for all he could and made it on many trips….He is still a part of our spirit. Please join the celebration…

    127. I first met Charlie when he was a volunteer for Project Healing Waters outings. He was always welcoming and a pleasure to be with. A great ambassador for NKFF and a gentleman and mentor. He will be missed.

    128. Everyone come on pt and enjoy a day of shooting Trap, Rifle, Pistol, Archery, FISHING and Slingshot
      This is a FREE Event, meaning $0.0 dollar to everyone. Lunch will be PROVIDED

    129. I’m very interested in this trip, but I’ve never fished salt before. If you guys are willing to school me, I would very much appreciate this opportunity.

      I’m anticipating further information to know what I have to swing to get there. I know what I’ll be swinging once I’m there, though!

    130. Hi, I need to change my reservation for the September meeting to 2, including diner, and, will pay at the door. Let me know if you have questions.
      Thank You,

    131. Jack, if this is canceled due to lack of a coordinator I would like the details, if we have a print out, I am thinking I would like to make the trip even if canceled. Please advise if you can provide directions.
      Kevin, please let me know if you would go without a coordinator. My phone is 919-259-0660. If my wife doesn’t go maybe we could share a room.

    132. just tried to get in the banquet sighn on, probably past the deadline, I will be there and pay at the door, any question please contct me at 8595295992

    133. Is anyone interested in using a guide while on this trip? They are located in Bryson City and Gatlinburg TN. Water levels are low and float trips are suspended until?? He said though that conditions are really good for wading and catching trout. They offer 4,5 and 8 hour tours. 5 hours sounds good for me. He’s sure they’ll book ‘‘em, so act soon.

    134. I appear as registered. I registered for 2 (my wife and I) but can’t seem to find if I’ve paid. My vague recollection is we are paying at the door?
      Please let me know since I am coming from Charleston, WV
      Don Becher
      (859) 380 8238

    135. All,
      I have sent out an invite for discussion about the trip. It will be Monday night, Nov. 6, at 7:15 Please check your email for a link to the Zoom meeting. I will also be sending a ton of information about the trip.

      Looking forward to the trip!

      Jack Randall

    136. This is my second registration. Kevin Brennen (former member) and two others will be attending as guests.
      Kevin said he will be rejoining as a member when he gets there.

      • You can send a check made out to “NKFF” for $200/person to the club via the address found on the site below. Please be sure to indicate who is going, name.

        Northern Kentucky Fly Fishers, Inc.
        2335 Buttermilk Crossing
        Suite 300
        Crescent Springs, KY 41017

    137. All – I’m working on gathering everyone’s contact information, so that I can schedule a teams meeting / call one evening this week. I’m shooting for Tuesday evening around 7pm.

      Josh Lillard

    138. everyone who can help out you will greatly appreciate
      this event will probably have close to 400 people attending and participating,
      Ron Kilmer

    Comments are closed.