Cabin Fever Rod & Reel Maintenance
Prepare for the coming season. Clean up and repair rods & reels. Replace backing and line. Not sure what to do? We can help !!
Or just get out of the house and hang out.
Lunch will be provided, but bring a side dish or desert to share.
When: Saturday, January 18th from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Where: Dutchman’s Rod & Gun Club, 3651 Petersburg Rd, Burlington, KY 41005.
Please sign up so we know how many people to feed……Thanks
Registration are closed for this event.
Registered Attendees
- Tim Guilfoile
- Derek Ewing
- Michael Arnold
- Mark LeSuer
- Mark Neikirk
- Allan Hale
- John Branam
- John Czarnecki
- Bill Cook
- Bruce Lane
- Kenneth Hinkel
- Walter Weller
- Dan Bottoni
- David Votaw
- Tom Tveten
- Jack Steiber
- Joe Hamilton
- Grant Hughes
This is a very cool event. Lots of fun and extremely valuable and enlightening.
If you have a new line & backing that you want spooled bring your reel, line & backing to this event and we’ll get you fixed up.
Is a microwave available at the club and is beer allowed?
I will bring Potato salad from Cramers.
I’ll bring veggie tray