Mystery Fly for Cancer – Fishing with Derby City @ Otter Creek Park

Mystery Fly for Cancer - Fishing with Derby City @ Otter Creek Park


11/22/2019 - 11/23/2019    
All Day


Bookings closed


Otter Creek Outdoor Recreation Area
850 Otter Creek Park Rd, Brandenburg, KY, 40108

Event Type

Register here to participate in the event on Saturday and type a comment indicating if you plan on coming down on Friday and staying in the cabins at Otter Creek (includes dinner Friday & breakfast Saturday). That will cost you an additional $40 that will be billed to you after the event. Also, if you plan to stay over Saturday night (includes dinner) and fish Sunday please indicate that in the comments also. That also will cost you an additional $40 that will be billed to you after the event. Any further questions contact


Registration are closed for this event.

Registered Attendees

  • Michael Arnold


  1. I plan to drive down Friday morning (leaving around 9AM). In time to get to cabin, unload camp gear and then head to Blue Hole or Garnettsville to fish until 4PM or so, then head back to camp. Anyone wanting rideshare down with me should mention that in a comment with your registration.

  2. As it turns out NKFF’s Fall NC Trout trip is planned for this same weekend so I will not be making it after all. But the plan I listed is a good one if you can get off on Friday. This is a really fun weekend with Derby City Fly Fishers and NKFF members and a worthy cause. If you cannot attend, consider making a donation of the $40 entrance fee. A complete description of the event is at and you can sign up for the event (or just make a donation) by following the links at

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