- EAST FORK LAKE TAILWATER TRIP. The outing on August 18 to the East Fork of the Little Miami proved popular. We must have had 20 or so people show up. Some current members and some aspiring members. Cars just kept rolling in. Many thanks to Hawkins Warner and Bruce Lane for organizing this. In a not-very-unusual turn of events, I think Mike Arnold caught the most fish. After fishing several of us went for late breakfast at Poochie’s on Ohio Pike. A great way to finish the trip.
- UPCOMING MEETINGS. September 5 – Soon-to-be World Famous Low Country Boil with Kentucky Falconers Association as our guests. New Day Ranch. Please register at the website so we know how much food to buy. Also, please bring donations for the Banquet. Sheila and Joe Hamilton will be at a table set up to receive them and get your name (and value for your tax receipt.)
October 3 Indoors as the Lions Club in Florence. Don Lambert talks about his epic trip to Alaska and how it can be done economically.
Saturday November 2 The Banquet! – indoors at St. Barbara Event Center on Turkeyfoot Road. Tim and Nickie Farmer talk to us about their lives and their cooking show. Will be a great event with some nice raffle prizes as well.
December 5 indoors at the Lions Club. Charity and Ian Rutter talk about fishing in the Smokies and their new guide book to the Smokies. Ian will also display some of his paintings.
- FISHING FORUM! If you’re going fishing and would like company or would like to lead a trip, post it on the NKFF Forum. On the Club’s Website, go to Members Only, then Forum to post or subscribe.
- MOMENTS OF SILENCE. On September 5, 1944, the U.S. Ninth Army was activated in France and entered combat against the German army. On September 5, 1944 the Douglas A-26 Light Bomber entered combat by the U.S. Ninth Air Force as the Allies fought across France toward Germany.
- CPR/AED Classes. Club Members Pete Stark and Joe Cruse have volunteered to teach first aid classes – things we should know when we’re out fishing somewhere. Pete also pointed out that St. Elizabeth is holding classes over the next several months. The St. E classes are:
Saturday September 7
Saturday October 5
Saturday November 2
Saturday December 7
Saturday December 12.
For exact times and locations and more information visit:
If there is enough Club interest, we could also offer our own classes, but the St. E classes are a great option.
- SECRETARY. Chris Puckett took the opportunity to work with the UC- Clermont Men’s Basketball team as a coach and scout. He resigned as NKFF Secretary. So we need a replacement.Back-up for Tim on Constant Contacts. Tim will train you! Tim@nkff.org
- League of Kentucky Sportsmen – 5th District. The Club can appoint two LKS representatives. Walter and I and Bruce have been attending these meetings for the most part. It would be great to get 2-3 more people involved. The Fifth District meetings include dinner, their regular business, and a report from a Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Officers. It’s good to get to know them.
- Teachers and Trainers. We can always use help training for basic fly fishing skills – casting, reading water, fly selection, etc. Let me or Joel know if you are interested.
- October 20 (Sunday) Fishing on Gunpowder Creek. We’re working on getting access to the property on Gunpowder recently acquired by Boone County Conservation District. The property has great access to Gunpowder. We’ll fish in the morning then grill something in the afternoon. Entry to the property is limited so you will have to register at the NKFF website for admission.Stay tuned for more details.